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The Brooks Leney team are closely monitoring changes to the various Environmental Schemes and can offer advice as to their suitability to your rural business. Whether you currently have a Stewardship agreement in place, or you are considering applying for an interim Countryside stewardship agreement, the Brooks Leney team can assist you through the process.

Going forward, The Environmental Land Management (ELM) Scheme is set to become the cornerstone of the new agricultural policy and will become the principal route (amongst others) for supporting rural businesses who can demonstrate public goods such as clean air, clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, protection from environmental hazards, beauty heritage and engagement with the environment or reduction of and adaption to climate change.

For many such schemes, it is important to consider not only the potential income such schemes might provide but also the costs both actual and in management time complying with the requirements. They may provide a way of making up for the lost income because of the declining BPS payments, or to provide an opportunity for some to do “their bit” for the environment, or for others it may be simply be harnessing funding for the work you are already currently undertaking, such as some of those associated with an established shoot.

The value of environmental management as part of a Planning Application must not be overlooked and the Brooks Leney team can advise on the best way of maximising returns where, in the future, a developer may be looking for a net environmental because of being granted a Planning Permission for development.