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Stage One

Complaints relating to the estate agency activities at Brooks Leney are dealt with as follows:

Chris Leney, Will Hosegood or David Brooks are partners of the business and will deal with your complaint.  They can be contacted in writing contacted at:
Brooks Leney, Hyntle Barn, Hintlesham, IP8 3NJ

If you have initially made your complaint verbally, whether face to face or over the telephone, please also make it in writing, addressed to Brooks Leney at the address above. This is to ensure that we fully understand exactly what your complaint is and so that there is a written record of it.
The first stage of our complaints handling procedure will involve full consideration of your complaint by a partner. He or she will try to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction. If you are satisfied with the outcome of the investigation into your complaint, the matter will conclude.

The partner will consider your complaint as quickly as possible and will provide you with a full response or, if that is not possible, an update on what is happening with your complaint, within 28 days.

Stage Two        

However, if agreement cannot be reached on how to resolve the complaint, you will have the opportunity to take your complaint to the final stage of the complaints handling procedure, which is:

The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
T: 01722 333306

The Property Ombudsman's Code of Practice can be viewed here.