Published: 25/02/2024
Since 2008, vendors have been required to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) when selling their homes.
An EPC is a measure of a property’s energy efficiency and an assessment of its potential to improve in that respect. An assessment is valid for ten years and a property’s score will range from A (very good) to G (poor). An EPC must be assessed and produced by an accredited energy assessor who will take into account a number of factors relating to the fabric of a building and the services, such as build, heating, lighting and insulation.
Estate agents are required to include a property’s EPC score in all marketing material and if no EPC exists, one needs to be commissioned within seven days of launch. Properties which are let must reach an EPC rating of at least E, with this requirement due to become stricter over time, thanks to new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) legislation.
Properties that do not require an EPC include those which are historic (due to special architectural merit or being listed buildings), those which have a demolition order and those which are occupied for less than four months a year.